Friday, 16 September 2016

Slingtastic.   Why?
It’s perfect timing – after One Whole Year of having a bricks and mortar store, I have been asked to do a presentation for the Wiltshire and District Business Chamber’s annual event, where businesses get to show who they are and what they do to the community.   It has been a great opportunity for me to really think about who we are at Slingtastic and why we do what we do.
And in a year of trading in a shop, I understand so, so much more than I did after 8 years of trading online. So, here goes ...... I’m just going to say it like it is.
² We believe that finding the right sling can truly transform early parenthood and a baby’s introduction into this world  

We want YOU to have the opportunity to carry your child in a way that enriches how you share your everyday rhythms and experiences -  through mutual touch, smell, warmth and your voices and so, so much more. A sling helps you and your child to look at the world together safely and comfortably and we can help you on that journey.
Babies like to be carried. Babies NEED to be carried – there are many anecdotal examples of why but also a growing body of scientific studies showing physiological and emotional benefits for babies and children.  These are not solely for the child – adults benefit too. I’ll revisit some of these in another blog post.

²  We want parents and carers to feel comfortable and confident in their choices, and give them an opportunity to feel connected and joyful in the process
We are overwhelmed by too much choice and online ‘experts’ all shouting to be heard.  Let’s get rid of myths, unfounded opinions, negativity and the idea of perfection and get on with the good bits, the fun bits and the joy of discovery.
Your ideas, experiences and concerns are important and relevant to your choice of carrier – so we listen to your needs, consider your and your child’s body shapes and apply our experience and knowledge of styles and products  to help you choose a sling that fits with you and your way of life.
Safety matters – of course it does. We will guide you through your chosen sling to ensure it is safe for you and your child, and give you the skills and knowledge you need to check it is safe whenever you use it, and talk about how to apply those checks to any carrier you use in the future.
²  We believe we can help you find a sling you love. 
When you find the sling that meets your needs and gives you the chance to carry your baby hands free - when you want to, for the reasons that you have chosen to – then you will understand why we believe in what we do.